Thursday, November 21, 2013

Wrirting prompt using the phrase "I have no filter"

I have no filter.  And the sweating!  It's totally disgusting.  I can't stop myself from saying what's on my mind, but I can still hear myself say the stupid shit that pours from my mouth like vapid diarrhea.  Once I realize what I'm saying I get all embarrassed and just start sweating.  Why couldn't I be one of those girls who get that cute rosy blush.  Nope.  I'm a sweater.  Face, pits, cleavage sweat.  Last week I was at this dinner party talking to some Israeli guy when i realized i was talking about persecuted Palestinians.    When I got home there was a big sweaty butt print on the back of my cocktail dress.

It's even worse when i catch myself doing it and try to stop.  then I can only think about all the things I could have said that were worse.  Like, I was on this date with a really hot guy and I realized I had been talking for twenty minutes about the infection my mom got after her knee surgery.  I tried to gracefully segue out of it by finding something related but not as gross, and I ended up talking about the results of my fertility test and how I wanted to have kids with him. 

My mom says "Thank goodness you're pretty." But the thing is I'm smart too.  I know a lot of interesting things.  I'm a nuclear physicist for crying out loud.  I just have no filter. 

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